Aug 5, 2022
Roe vs Wade is overturned. What are your thoughts? We recorded this video 2-3 weeks before Roe vs Wade was overturned but heard the leak and thought we could try having an honest and mature conversation about abortion without judgment or ridicule or even debating. Just have a chance to just share where we stand on abortion here and seek to understand each other’s position and respect It even if we don't agree. Would love to hear your thoughts too. Please comment and share! On The Brave Talk Show, we believe in respectful conversation that doesn’t judge or hate on each other bc of differing views.
We trust every woman on this show speaks with compassion and conviction on her biggest values. We seek to understand. For this reason we ask that you do not bash each other in the comments below if someone shares a differing view. Share your reasoning. Seek to understand. Agree to disagree. And feel free to have civil discourse without name calling, assumptions, or accusations.